Create a Feed Content Item
Create a Feed Content Item
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
The type of event that this feed post is associated with.
The ID of the experience, which will look like exp_*************
The ID of the external object that this maps to, like a feed post
A metadata object that can accept any properties. All metadata must include a 'title' property that is a String value.
The file attachments of the feed content item. This can be videos, images, or files.
Any gifs attached to the feed content item.
The ID of the parent external object that this maps to, like a feed post
The relative path the user should be redirected to in the app
The ID of the user, which will look like user_*************
The ID of the feed content item, which will look like fci_*************
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